One question I get often is this one: What kind of physique is achievable naturally, without taking performance enhancing drugs such as anabolic steroids? This is a question that I asked myself...
Category: General Fitness Concepts
One thing that I see recommended everywhere in the fitness industry is this: If you want to build a lean and muscular physique, then you should first bulk up to build muscle and then cut down to get...
What Is Considered The Perfect Male Body? (The Adonis Index)
Many of us are obsessed trying to build a body with extremely large and swollen muscles. You know the kind of body that modern bodybuilders like Phil Heath and Kai Greene have. Even though this...
How To Lose Fat And Gain Muscle Simultaneously (Body Recomposition)
Some of the most common questions I get from people are these: "How do I get ripped without getting small?" "I like the size I'm at right now, but I want to get leaner, how do I do that?" Essentially...
One question I get often is whether or not intermittent fasting is a good idea for someone starting out as skinny fat. Personally I started with the skinny fat physique and I've also been using...
How To Transition From Cutting To Bulking Without Gaining Fat
One of the biggest problem people bump into once they're done cutting is gaining most of their body fat back when transitioning into bulking. Spending 2-4 months or more getting getting lean, just to...