How much Electricity Does a Treadmill Use

Owning a treadmill sure makes you scratch your head when you see that electric bill spike. How much juice does that running machine really gulp down?

Well, the power consumption of a treadmill can depend on various factors, like the user’s weight and the speed on which it’s being operated. However, if you’re concerned about the power consumption of your treadmill and would like to reduce it, there are many ways you can do so. 

This guide takes a look at how you can reduce your energy consumption but first, let us answer the question.

How Much Electricity Does a Treadmill Use?

An average electric treadmill has a 1500W (2HP) motor. It uses about 600 to 700 watts of energy per use. However, it can vary according to the model of the treadmill. 

Naturally, the amount of energy your treadmill uses has an impact on your power bills. The amount of time you use your treadmill also tends to significantly affect the overall energy consumption of the treadmill. 

Depending on how fast you run, the more tension you put on the motors of the treadmills, the more energy it will consume. To make things simple, here is a numerical example: 

Assume that you use your treadmill at moderate speeds for 6.5 MPH. And running the treadmill at this speed for 3 hours will result in energy consumption of about 152.4kWh per year. Likewise, if you run it for 1.5 hours per week at the same speed, the total energy consumed will be approximately 51kWh per year. 

Remember that these numbers can vary according to the wattage your treadmill uses and the speeds you use it in. Additional factors that play into the overall electricity consumption of the treadmill are: 

  • The user’s weight 
  • The condition of the treadmill
  • Inclining and declining angles
  • Rate of unit

A paradox regarding energy consumption is that high-intensity workouts consume less energy. Why so? Because high-intensity workouts are more challenging than regular workouts and can only be done for a short duration of time. Conversely, a lower workout is easier but can take much longer. 

In any case, fitness enthusiasts are always on the lookout for tips and tricks to save on energy costs when running on treadmills  and reducing their carbon footprint. So, let us quickly walk you through a few ways to minimize the overall energy consumption of your device. 

4 Ways To Reduce Power Consumption 

1. Using A Manual Treadmill 

Manual treadmills are a great way to reduce your treadmill’s power consumption. 

These treadmills have an internal flywheel system that engages with a running belt. When you push your leg back, the power from your leg is transferred to the running belt and then to the flywheel. The faster you move, the higher momentum the flywheel receives, which allows you to build up speed without any extra electricity. 

The best part about a manual treadmill is that it can be used anywhere since it does not require electricity. Excessive speed is limited in a manual treadmill, but you can build up enough speed for an intense jog. 

2. Running Outside 

It is understandable why people would prefer running inside on a treadmill. Not only does it save time, and you can do the exercise in the comfort of your home. However, it is advised to go for a run outside whenever it’s possible. 

Running outside can help you sweat much more than running inside with your air conditioning on. And sweating can help detoxify the body from inside.

It also boosts your serotonin levels due to various factors such as sunlight exposure, adrenaline and being around nature. If running outside is a possibility, it is recommended that you opt for it. 

3. Maintaining Your Treadmill 

When it comes to saving power consumption, maintaining your treadmill might not be on top of the list. However, treadmill maintenance plays an important role in saving energy. If you fail to maintain your treadmill, it can malfunction when you use it, which would then prompt you to use higher speeds as average speeds would not be fast enough. And this will use much more energy and electricity than usual.

Some things you can do in this regard are:

  • Keeping the treadmill clean
  • Lubricating the belt
  • Tightening or aligning the conveyor belt when required
  • Tightening the bolts

Maintaining your treadmill can eliminate the possibility of any malfunction and save your electricity consumption in the long run. 

4. Leaving The Treadmill Idle

You would be surprised if we told you that your treadmill consumes power even when it’s idle. When you plug the treadmill in, it consumes energy, regardless of whether you use it. So, turn off your treadmill entirely or unplug it from the plug point when it’s not being used. 

This saves you from unnecessary electrical consumption and costs. If unplugging and turning off seems quite hectic to do each time you use your treadmill, you can invest in an automated smart plug. The smart plug can automatically turn off your equipment when it’s idle, so you don’t have to bother doing it every time. 


1. What To Keep In Mind When Buying A Treadmill?

There are a few important aspects to keep in mind when purchasing a treadmill, which include: 

2. What’s The Difference Between Manual And Electric Treadmills? 

An electric treadmill, as the name suggests, uses electricity to run. A manual treadmill, on the other hand, requires manual labor to run. It requires more effort when compared to the electric treadmill, but it does not consume any electrical energy, making it suitable for people who are wary of increased power bills.


Electric treadmills do consume quite an amount of energy. As discussed above, they can end up adding to your power bills even when they’re idle. However, if you use them responsibly, you can reduce the overall power consumption of your treadmill and focus on your fitness equally. 

Niklas Lampi

My name is Niklas Lampi and I work as a fitness writer, nutritional consultant and personal trainer. My favourite exercise is the bench press and my favourite food is pizza!

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